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Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Threefold Grid is live

Since some weeks, software developers can choose to use Threefold Grid for running their workloads. That’s a big deal. Threefold grid is becoming an alternative for AWS (Amazon), Google Cloud, Azure (Microsoft). Software developers can start choosing to serve humanity and the planet, the internet needs a diet. Every single person gets the opportunity to […]

Van Gevaert naar nieuwe Welvaart

Als ik rond mij kijk dan heb ik een hele reeks boeken gehamsterd uit de Sleghte: er is geen enkel boek meer beschikbaar over Lieven Gevaert, ze liggen allemaal bij mij op de plank. Dan zal ik maar mijn deel doen door eens te kijken hoe de solidariteit destijds in gang werd gestoken. Ik bericht.

A Theory Of Change

Some weeks ago, we started to prepare local TFF (Threefold) farming activities in our local co-working space (Edegem, South of Antwerp). With local TFF farming activities we want to organize:1. a local income stream while robots within the digital infrastructure are working for us;2. the opportunity to co-organize energy supply for the digital infrastructure;3. the […]

Europe is leading

In my quest to put the twelve rules of Compassion in practice, I decided to travel and learn (1). Shanghai (China) was my hometown in 2012. There I saw the beauty of The Underground, which is an European invention (2). If people can build such a mobility system for the individual, the roll-out of the […]

Data Ownership, prosperity and collaboration

Organizing ownerhip of data and the digital infrastructure is a great collaborative opportunity for our generation. Therefore Co:Inpetto teamed up with Weconomics Foundations in 2014. And since 2017 we are following up Threefold Foundations. It’s time to take a next step: Threefold Network offers the opportunity to co-own the core infrastructure of the future. Listen […]

A New Decade. A New Internet.

Let’s learn as much as possible about the new internet. Click here and take the opportunity to listen to Kristof De Spiegeleer, the founder of Threefold Network. He explains the Threefold project at BlockTV. I look forward to meet you in Fort V.

Kom op 20 januari 2020 naar het Fort V

Kom op 20 januari naar het Fort V in Edegem (Zuidrand van Antwerp) en leer meer over Threefold, 3bot en Threefold token. Threefold maakt deel uit van een beweging dat gedecentraliseerde digitale infrastructuur ter beschikking brengt met een duidelijk doel voor ogen: (1) minimaal energieverbruik voor digitale infrastructuur (2) zo laag mogelijke kostprijs zodat ze […]


Paul Hawken was invited in Belgium by Econopolis. He talked about his project Drawdown. Drawdown is a platform that invites you to act on climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7K5M-jaHk8 Did you realize the internet cloud has a dirty secret? Thanks to decades of development and investements, autonomous IT of Threefold brings a far more sustainable solution. Click […]

Towards a Sustainable World

As said in a previous post, I probably won’t have been connected to Threefold Network and Weconomics Foundations if I hadn’t read the first book of Bernard Lietaer (2001). The last book of Bernard Lietaer, Towards a Sustainable World, comes available from the 8th of Decembre. Kristof De Spiegeleer, the founder of Threefold Network, has […]

Let the network grow

Followers of these Tuesday Posts know that I do believe that The Threefold Network will bring an important piece for the core infrastructure for our next level of prosperity. It will offer the innovation space for the coming years to organize a sustainable society. With Threefold tokens people can buy compute and storage capacity of […]