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Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Inclusive Banking

I already have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that I would never have been connected to Threefold Foundation if I haven’t had read the book of Bernard Lietaer (2000). Bernard Lietaer did some scenario thinking about the potential of the digital age, sustainable prosperity and complementary money systems. Digital Privacy as a condition was already described in his first books.

I connected myself to the project of New Business Models of Weconomy because I wanted to try to connect myself to collaborative initiatives for a responsible digital infrastructure and applications for it (2013/2014). The project was led by Jan Jonker and brought me a lot of new learnings and network.

At this moment Jan Jonker is driving a project on inclusive banking:

What if ….

What if …
Teto Foundation could introduce Freeflow tokens in their initiative (read more) ?

What if …
The co-working space Bolwerk in De Zuidrand will co-organize a Threefold Coop (read more) and additionally will introduce additional digital tokens to:
– take care of the heritage of the Fortress ?
– take care of the park around the Fortress ?
– take care of the community tasks (hosting, logistics of events) ?
– take care of the childeren of the co-workers ?
– share professional books ?
– get services of other co-workers ?
– get services of the co-working space ?
– …

The work of Jan Jonker keeps us dreaming and acting.
Sustainable prosperity in De Zuidrand is our goal. Organizing well being is what we want together with Teto Foundation.

Coventional money is supposed to be doing everything. By adding in complementary currencies, you actually get different types of things and different outcomes from different complementary currencies

Bernard Lietaer