Favicon Co Inpetto

Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Alt Ctrl Delete and Restart

Alt – Ctrl – Delete, for the first generation of internet business models.
Why ?
Learn from documentary makers:
The Facebook dilemma Part 1 / Part 2
Algorithms rule us all

In 2018 we’ve welcomed EU GDPR law. Privacy as a right is first mentioned in article 12 of the Universal Declarartion of Human rights. Privacy is the right that that enables our creativity, freedom and responsibility. Let’s embrace it. Don’t take freedom for granted, don’t waste it. Let’s dream the best possible dreams for a digital society and start co-designing it.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.—Eleanor Roosevelt.

Threefold Technology is getting ready to launch (probably for the end of January 2019).  It brings along a solution for the  blockchain dilemma. Potential co-designers are getting trained by Weconomics Foundation.

Being both entrepreneurial and social is no longer an oxymoron, but rather a tautology. – Jeremy Rifkin
