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Because together we can do better.


Paul Hawken was invited in Belgium by Econopolis. He talked about his project Drawdown. Drawdown is a platform that invites you to act on climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7K5M-jaHk8 Did you realize the internet cloud has a dirty secret? Thanks to decades of development and investements, autonomous IT of Threefold brings a far more sustainable solution. Click […]

Towards a Sustainable World

As said in a previous post, I probably won’t have been connected to Threefold Network and Weconomics Foundations if I hadn’t read the first book of Bernard Lietaer (2001). The last book of Bernard Lietaer, Towards a Sustainable World, comes available from the 8th of Decembre. Kristof De Spiegeleer, the founder of Threefold Network, has […]

Professionals at work

Organizing sustainable prosperity will become easier for more professionals. Platforms get the innovation space to underpin a business model for professionals with a digital infrastructure that integrates 3bot and digital tokens. Options are opening up to connect your talent to challenges, to become part of the solution and to get paid for it. Digital tokens […]

Rocking The Wall

30 years ago, the Berlin Wall fell. Tinneke Beeckman, David Criekemans, and Robert Heirbaut were invited at ‘Vredescentrum in Antwerp’ to reflect on it. I shared with the presenters the belief that democratic freedom is a gift, and it is not for granted. Tinneke Beeckman showed some ways to think about freedom. She mentioned the (potential) […]

Service Platform for the The Circular Economy

My data principles, new ways to support transactions, and tokens would support the circular economy. That’s a claim we made during an event on Blockchain Organizing. It was two years ago, we organized it as partners of Weconomics.  It needed to be shouted out because only by cooperation we could move forward. Threefold came on the radar, and […]

The Zero Marginal Cost Society and More

Good to be reminded to some inspirational thinking before Threefold technology is getting launched (Q4 2019). The thinking serves the missions of Threefold, Freeflow Nation and Weconomics. The Zero Marginal Cost Society is a book of Jeremy Rifkin. We can look forward to a new book of Bernard Lieater – click here for more information.  […]

It Is Time To Add Your Voice

Carole Cadwalladr is a journalist and author. She exposed the Cambridge Analytica Data Scandal. Listen to her Ted Talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSMr-3GGvQ Tim Berners Lee is working on the contract of the web. It is time to add your voice #ForTheWeb Democracy isn’t a gift. It is a responsibility. Dalton Trumbo

We Are All Economists Now

‘We are all economists now’ is the title of the last chapter of the book of Kate Raworth – ‘Dougnut Economics’ – ‘Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist’. The seven ways to rethink economy are pictured below and explained in the book. Thinking as a 21st-century-economist makes sense, it is hopeful and it […]

The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 2)

As written in a previous post, the first metro systems used the template of the first railroad companies to structure their business operations. It is copied over and over again. A social contract within society came alive. But does it still serve ? No, it doesn’t. The social contract is falling apart on the one […]

Mind The (learning) Gap

In 2012 I decided to travel for a while because I was fed up with the (potential) loss of digital privacy while we can do better. In Shanghai (China) I came inspired by the history of the shared mobility infrastructure and I started to integrate the Metro Map in Co:Inpetto’s branding. At that time I […]