I hoped I could resonate with te message of the book ‘Gigantism’ of the latest book of Geert Noels, because I do love the word G I G A N T I S M. Check ! I do recommend to read the book.
Geert Noels describes why organisations and markets are getting dysfunctional in the existing playing field. He does suggestions on the level of arbiters, rules and players.
Paul Bessems, founder of Weconomics Foundations did already a call to challenge “never” in the quote below.
The study of economic organization commonly proceeds as though market and administrative modes of organization were disjunct. Market organization is the province of economists. Internal organization is the concern of organization theory specialist. And never the twain shall meet.
Oliver Williamson
rebuilding systems has been succesful in other fields by recognizing the smallest part of it. And since we are leaving the industrial order to enter the digital, the smallest parts that we have to recognize are ‘data’, ‘people’ and ‘things’.
An appropriate digital infrastructure has to emerge to exchange data and value. And it is almost there. Threefold Foundations is doing well. Examples are getting ready to get copied around the world. I am happy that the invitation for the Ibiza events (May/ Octobre) are picked up. It’s just our turn to take action.
Gigantism is not irreversable.
The difference between the almost right wordt and the right word is really a large matter. It is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
Mark Twain