Follow the roots of the succes of the London Metro System and you will meet the roots of the advertising business. Investments in the core infrastructure were made by private companies. The fact that the services won’t get sold, was the risk that is taken. Return on risk capital got some help of the invisible hand of advertising.
In a previous post the template for rolling out TFF grid is shared. Software developers will pay Threefold Tokens to use the grid. The first projects running on the grid are getting build with the help of Threefold Tech. Threefold Coops will emerge to meet demand for compute and storage capicity.
Threefold Tech helps organisations to creating value bij building services and products thanks to 3bot and blockchain as a service technology. Projects will use Threefold Grid.
The value of the core infrastructure of Threefold grid will not depend on seducing consumers. It is about teaming up with co-designers. Designers will lead. Designers who see their entrepreneurial opportunity to create better prosperity.
The innovation space is evolving, we love to share value propositions to support designers. Do you want to learn ? Weconomics Foundations offers Certified Program Digital Leadership & Blockchain. Do you want to make a wise investment ? Threefold Tech offers a good opportunity. Contact me if you want more information (+32 472 29 15 34 –
Consume Less. Create More.
This Tuesday Post is part of a special series – the World’s First Metro System as a role model.