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The Metaverse and Web 3.0 Economics

Facebook’s web 2.0 business model is in trouble.
Is the Metaverse the way out of it?

With Metaverse, Mark Zuckerberg can make up a storyline around interoperability, privacy, safety, and open standards. He even mentions human rights in his presentation about the Metaverse and his new Meta company.

The Metaverse will offer VR and AR applications on the next version of the internet. You can listen to the Meta presentation here

The Metaverse requires Web 3.0 features. Facebook (now Meta) needs to open up its technology to build experiences around the identity of the users. Token exchange and the rearrangements of ownership are part of web 3.0.

The table below gives a sense of what Web 3.0 is about.

Figure by Grayscale Investments - Illustrative key features of Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

Personal data won’t be closed up in corporate-owned walled gardens anymore. The digital identity and personal data will come in the hands of the people, and applications will connect to it. 

Innovation can flourish again.
Time will tell if the Meta company can find a coexistence. The Threefold blockchain cloud allows web 3.0 players to go fully decentralized (1) (2).

Here is another Tedtalk that explains what is going on.

On the Threefold blockchain will live your digital twin with your personal data and digital wallet (3) (4). A bunch of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and other initiatives will adapt and design the data- and token economics.

Craft (y)our real-life sweet spot.
It is probably more interesting than the Metaverse.
(1) Digibyte Foundations and the Threefold will bring a Metaverse alive in DigiThreeLabs, more here.
(2) Within Weconomics Foundations network we are putting a DESO blockchain node on the Threefold Cloud. DESO stands for The decentralized Social Network.
(3) The Europian Commission has recognized
ThreeFold’s cloud infrastructure as leading in the fields of edge, federation, and green technology, more here.
(4) It is still a good time to get your hands on Threefold tokens, more here.
