Favicon Co Inpetto

Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.


Some years ago I’ve written a little story about my intention about  my life, my hometown and my data >>>. I had the intention to get connected my favourite shops, services and brands to the appropriate digital services to serve my own prosperity and the prosperity of my neighbourhood where I am living it. Therefore I […]

I Am A Proud Threefold Ambassador

Threefold Foundation asked me why I wanted to be an ambassador for the foundation and here is my answer. “Thanks to ThreeFold Foundation robust technology comes available in good organisational design. A design that takes in account that humankind strives for prosperity for all. In 1999, I started my own business in the market of […]

‘Blockchain Organiseren’ zet zich door

Onze data verankeren voor betere welvaart. Daarvoor stimuleren  wij mee de mogelijkheden van ‘Blockchain Organiseren’. Paul Bessems en Walter Bril van Weconomics Foundations schreven er een boek over. Op 8 juni 2017 organiseerden we een event rond het onderwerp in het Fort 5 te Edegem. Kennis is gedeeld, intenties binnen lopende projecten zijn uitgesproken, nieuwe samenwerkingsverbanden gesmeed. Zo […]

Dear 2016, we thank you for

the EU GDPR growing awareness about algorithms in business and democracy growing network of co-designers in the Web 3.0 innovation space knowledge sharing and inspiration for blockchain organising MooC on New Business Models – Working Together on Value Creation prototypes ready to scale openness and willingness to create a future of abundance  Dear 2017, we […]

Better prosperity thanks to Data Ethics is Team Sport

Data Ethics as competitive advantage is shifting playing fields. It’s getting time to start and getting to explore the window of opportunity. Why ? – Tools are out there to connect privacy data in new ways to organisations. – Legislation is supporting. – Smart contracting is thanks to blockchain on the innovation agenda. – Organisations […]

PDS (personal data service) voor betere zelfsturing en business modellen

Als ondernemer in arbeidsbemiddeling geloofde ik dat digitale infrastructuur mistte om kandidaten aan het stuur van hun loopbaan te kunnen zetten en een goed business model op te zetten voor markt facilitators. Met PDS (Personal Data Service) krijgt het individu regie over zijn gegevens. Professionals kunnen connecties leggen met tal van communities die projecten aanbieden. Matching […]

Weconomics Foundations and New Organisational Thinking

Regarding to Paul Bessems (founder of WEconomics Foundations): the word “NEVER” in the quote of Oliver Williamson has to be challenged. “And NEVER the twain shall meet.” Never ? The lack of concerns (privacy, work, digitisation, business models, market developments) and collaborative actions in e.g. the market of talent acquisition is a problem. Language has to […]

Bernard Lietaer – Connecting the Dots

The books of Bernard Lietaer are very inspiring. Envisioning a digital infrastructure for our next level of prosperity became an evidence. By using just one money system, we are locked in. It is not needed and not supportive. Why wouldn’t we enrich our exchange systems ? Enjoy his short talk in this video:  

When Digital Becomes Human

Via tweet daagde Steven Van Belleghem uit: zijn boek in ruil voor een review. Ik heb gereageerd en neem de review ter harte. Want ooit was ik zelf zot van marketing en de mogelijkheden van digitalisering. Maar bekommernis volgde ook.

Nieuwe Business Modellen

Business modellen voor en rond digitale tools moesten en kunnen anders en beter. Deels dienen digitale diensten georganiseerd te worden via commons. Enkel via samenwerking kan deze tot stand komen. Ik wilde met het meeschrijven aan het boek ‘Nieuwe Business Modellen‘ reflecteren over communities voor innovatie in business modellen. Innovatie in business modellen omwille van de […]