Threefold Grid is live
Since some weeks, software developers can choose to use Threefold Grid for running their workloads. That’s a big deal. Threefold grid is becoming an alternative for AWS (Amazon), Google Cloud, Azure (Microsoft). Software developers can start choosing to serve humanity and the planet, the internet needs a diet. Every single person gets the opportunity to […]
A Theory Of Change
Some weeks ago, we started to prepare local TFF (Threefold) farming activities in our local co-working space (Edegem, South of Antwerp). With local TFF farming activities we want to organize:1. a local income stream while robots within the digital infrastructure are working for us;2. the opportunity to co-organize energy supply for the digital infrastructure;3. the […]
Towards a Sustainable World
As said in a previous post, I probably won’t have been connected to Threefold Network and Weconomics Foundations if I hadn’t read the first book of Bernard Lietaer (2001). The last book of Bernard Lietaer, Towards a Sustainable World, comes available from the 8th of Decembre. Kristof De Spiegeleer, the founder of Threefold Network, has […]
Token Economics and Community Building
A way to distribute Threefold tokens is investigated and prepared. With Threefold tokens, you buy compute and storage capacity. And since 3bot lives on the Threefold grid, Threefold tokens will be useful for every single person. If and only if … more and more organizations will adopt 3bot to interact with their members in their […]
We Are All Economists Now
‘We are all economists now’ is the title of the last chapter of the book of Kate Raworth – ‘Dougnut Economics’ – ‘Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist’. The seven ways to rethink economy are pictured below and explained in the book. Thinking as a 21st-century-economist makes sense, it is hopeful and it […]
Stable Coins and The Core Infrastructures in Society
A ticket for the tube in London is paid with Sterling Pound. Several institutions are at work to keep Sterling Pound stable. We are used to a Sterling Pound with very low volatility. It makes the Sterling Pound and all other FIAT currencies workable. We can use FIAT currencies to exchange good and services. Space […]
The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 3)
Threefold Grid shares their template to get the core infrastructure of compute and storage capacity available in society. Learn, ask questions and get prepared to turn. How will Threefold Grid get organised ? Threefold Farmers organize themselves in Threefold Coops. A Threefold Coop will engage Threefold farmers. Each farmer brings money in to buy certified […]
Pause to Digest (the Libra association is announced)
I should start writing about the role of tokens in funding mechanisms for the core infrastructure for our next level of prosperity. But I first need time to to digest the news of the week: the announcement of the Libra association. It is making useful waves for further adoption of technology, blockchain governance models, financial […]
The Funding Mechanisms of Core Infrastructures in Society (part 2)
As written in a previous post, the first metro systems used the template of the first railroad companies to structure their business operations. It is copied over and over again. A social contract within society came alive. But does it still serve ? No, it doesn’t. The social contract is falling apart on the one […]
Inclusive Banking
I already have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that I would never have been connected to Threefold Foundation if I haven’t had read the book of Bernard Lietaer (2000). Bernard Lietaer did some scenario thinking about the potential of the digital age, sustainable prosperity and complementary money systems. Digital Privacy as a […]