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Because together we can do better.

The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.

The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. Itsyou.online is used to log in Freeflow Pages. Itsyou.online is connected to your own […]

Sign up for DataEthics.eu

It took some years, but Data Ethics is on the agenda. It won’t disappear. It will be an ongoing topic for the coming decades. And you have to be part of the conversation. I am wondering which book I would suggest to people who want to be introduced to the topic. Will it be – […]

The Curse of Bigness (and the blessing of Threefold Foundations)

To get rid off the curse of bigness we’ve to work first towards a decentralised internet. That is said what is said in this article and that is why I love doing what I do. I love to contribute to the development of a decentralised internet because it is doable and exiting on the one […]

Alt Ctrl Delete and Restart

Alt – Ctrl – Delete, for the first generation of internet business models. Why ? Learn from documentary makers: – The Facebook dilemma Part 1 / Part 2 – Algorithms rule us all In 2018 we’ve welcomed EU GDPR law. Privacy as a right is first mentioned in article 12 of the Universal Declarartion of […]

This is Marketing

We are entering a new phase in the innovation space to co-design for better prosperity. Weconomics Foundations is training organisational designers and Threefold Foundation is launching the renewed digital infrastructure and complementary money systems. Let’s connect further. Better prosperity for all is possible. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we […]

HR is at the edge of every organisation (a valuable place to be)

HR is a function on the edge of any organisation. HR connects talent from the in- and outside world to organisational tasks. They are in contact with serveral operational service providers like pay-rolling. They are at the cross road of data exchange between organisations (with the individual as smallest part). Thanks to the innovation space […]

Het Blockchain Dilemma

Via dit artikel van Sirius Legal kom je op presentatie rond blockchain technologie en GDPR (slides). Op slide 13 wordt er verwezen naar Blockchain dilemma. Een dilemma waarvoor Threefold Foundation een oplossing introduceert.

Aral Balkan and the Ethical Design Manifesto

Yes ! The Ethical Design Manifesto is alive. Threefold Foundations has chosen it to express their goals.  Read the the Ethical Design Manifesto of ThreeFold Foundation here. The manifesto is inspired by the work of Aral Balkan, check it out. Aral Balkan is definitely one of the persons who is pushing organizations towards the next […]

Seth Godin’s Permission Marketing, GDPR and Alignment of Interests

In 1999 I started in the business of recruitment of IT Professionals and business consultants. While setting up the business, I was very inspired by the work of Seth Godin to reach out to potential candidates and clients. I read Seth Godin’s book on permission marketing and started to apply the proposed principles rigorously towards registered […]