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Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Inclusive Banking

I already have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that I would never have been connected to Threefold Foundation if I haven’t had read the book of Bernard Lietaer (2000). Bernard Lietaer did some scenario thinking about the potential of the digital age, sustainable prosperity and complementary money systems. Digital Privacy as a […]

A Fortress as a base for a Threefold Chapter

A chapter for Threefold Foundation is getting home in Fort V, beautiful heritage located in my region ‘De Zuidrand’. ‘De Zuidrand’ is a name of an association of 7 towns in the south of Antwerp, it promotes our region for tourism. It is a nice place for traveling, working and living.  At this moment we […]

Time Registration System

As an HR person – I have implemented a new time registration system to escape classical working patterns. It sounds like a contradictio in terminis. But it isn’t. We’re freeing data of the workers from 1 company. Workers are able to check in by neigbours as well. Because together we shape better jobs. Don’t be […]

The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.

The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. Itsyou.online is used to log in Freeflow Pages. Itsyou.online is connected to your own […]

In Love with Nature’s Internet

In the digital infrastructure of Threefold every single person will get its own 3Bot. With 3Bot – data of a person belongs to a person and it will be easy to exchange. I do believe 3Bot is an important feature to get our society organized, a society where people are in love with themselves and […]

A world with no ads

Read here – big brands are preparing for a world with no ads. It is music to my ears.And it is not the first time that I do hear this line of thinking. At PIE 2015 (a congres on personal information economy) Unilever was bringing forward. By giving people their own data, the innovation space […]

‘Blockchain Organiseren’ zet zich door

Onze data verankeren voor betere welvaart. Daarvoor stimuleren  wij mee de mogelijkheden van ‘Blockchain Organiseren’. Paul Bessems en Walter Bril van Weconomics Foundations schreven er een boek over. Op 8 juni 2017 organiseerden we een event rond het onderwerp in het Fort 5 te Edegem. Kennis is gedeeld, intenties binnen lopende projecten zijn uitgesproken, nieuwe samenwerkingsverbanden gesmeed. Zo […]

My life, my hometown, my data

I challenge my favourite shops, brands, networks and services to upgrade their services for the “own my own data” shift. I hope they will upgrade their offers when possible and serve for our next level of prosperity.