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Because together we can do better.

Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Is Unfolding

We take the infrastructure for the flow of water, electricity, and gas for granted. It’s available, practical, and safe. The data infrastructure is the following. This collaborative endeavor is achieving new momentum, below some recordings of conversations of the last month. Soshana Zuboff meets Margrethe Verstager: a converstation about a future digital Europe Shoshana Zuboff […]

U was er bij in het Fort V (en lees nu – 3 jaar later – even mee)

Vandaag 8 juni 2020, is het drie jaar geleden dat we het hadden over ‘Blockchain Organiseren’ in het Fort V. De keten van stevige forten stonden toen symbool voor een plan. Een gedeelde infrastructuur voor verankeren van data en goede welvaart, had te landen in onze handen. Wie dacht dat het enkel bij straffe woorden […]

Towards a Sustainable World

As said in a previous post, I probably won’t have been connected to Threefold Network and Weconomics Foundations if I hadn’t read the first book of Bernard Lietaer (2001). The last book of Bernard Lietaer, Towards a Sustainable World, comes available from the 8th of Decembre. Kristof De Spiegeleer, the founder of Threefold Network, has […]

Professionals at work

Organizing sustainable prosperity will become easier for more professionals. Platforms get the innovation space to underpin a business model for professionals with a digital infrastructure that integrates 3bot and digital tokens. Options are opening up to connect your talent to challenges, to become part of the solution and to get paid for it. Digital tokens […]

Service Platform for the The Circular Economy

My data principles, new ways to support transactions, and tokens would support the circular economy. That’s a claim we made during an event on Blockchain Organizing. It was two years ago, we organized it as partners of Weconomics.  It needed to be shouted out because only by cooperation we could move forward. Threefold came on the radar, and […]

Code Is Law

Code impacts our life and society; it is professor Lawrence Lessig who introduced the saying “Code is law”. Our democratic society has to integrate new organizational thinking and responsibilities. The following questions for each code design are relevant: 1. How is code introduced? Who is involved?2. How is code implemented?3. How are the coded rules […]

Co-Design with new perspectives

The digital infrastructure with MyData – and blockchain principles bring along new design opportunities, opportunities within step 4, 5 and 6 of the extended Danish Design Ladder. Weconomics supports the learning process and organizations can be part of the journey. Organisations can bring in challenges for the program – ‘Digital leadership and blockchain’. Find more […]

Sign the MyData declaration and be part of the movement

MyData’s mission has cross-overs with the goals of Weconomics, Freeflow Nations and Threefold Foundations. The entrepreneurial movements for better prosperity thanks to data and collaboration is growing. Sign the MyData declaration (click on the logo above), join the my data hub Brussels and become a member of MyData (click on the logo above). Ideas shape […]

Google and Belgian Economics

Read the article on the Google Europe blog of 2012: Honoring and Supporting Belgian Internet Pioneers. What a strange story is told about the hyperlink and the Mundaneum Museum in Mons. Mons is the city of Elio Di Rupo, he is proud about Mundaneum and the Google link. Google has a data center near Mons.  […]

Weconomics Congress 26-11-2019 – Theater Perron 3 – Rosmalen (NL)

Co:Inpetto is partner of Weconomics Foundations. A goal of Weconomics is to share knowledge and co-design for our next level of prosperity. A next congress can be announced for the 26th of Novembre at Theater Perron 3 in Rosmalen (The Netherlands) – more information (dutch only for the moment). See you there ? Work Less. […]