Favicon Co Inpetto

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Because together we can do better.

The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.

The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. Itsyou.online is used to log in Freeflow Pages. Itsyou.online is connected to your own […]

In Love with Nature’s Internet

In the digital infrastructure of Threefold every single person will get its own 3Bot. With 3Bot – data of a person belongs to a person and it will be easy to exchange. I do believe 3Bot is an important feature to get our society organized, a society where people are in love with themselves and […]

Sign up for DataEthics.eu

It took some years, but Data Ethics is on the agenda. It won’t disappear. It will be an ongoing topic for the coming decades. And you have to be part of the conversation. I am wondering which book I would suggest to people who want to be introduced to the topic. Will it be – […]

A world with no ads

Read here – big brands are preparing for a world with no ads. It is music to my ears.And it is not the first time that I do hear this line of thinking. At PIE 2015 (a congres on personal information economy) Unilever was bringing forward. By giving people their own data, the innovation space […]

Get the knowledge for innovation in your collaboration

Good design is partially creativity an innovation, but primarily knowledge and awareness. Chuck Green Blockchain is about process innovation in collaboration. Do you feel that your (potential) stakeholders are grasping the concepts of the blockchain technology ? Consider to join or co-design a blockchain simulation workshop with Jeroen Perquin (www.blockchain-simulation.nl). I have experienced it as […]

Six things blockchains can do for SDG’s

I am getting deep respect of the historical achievements of the United Nations and I want to learn more about its potential. Therefore I have visited the Peace Palace in The Hague. The role of the UN and the SDG goals are mentioned in de visiting centre of the palace. Is the SDG framework really […]

Happy learning

I have the honour to open up a conversation about Threefold during a guest lecture of the Certified Blockchain Professional Program of Weconomics. Threefold’s technology stack, governance structure and network will get introduced to an audience that is open to shape the future in a collaborative, reflective and responsible way. The picture below and these […]

Who gets what and why ?

Opportunity for market design knocks. Alvin Roth has written a book about it with the title: Who gets what and why, the hidden world of matchmaking and market Design. My 10 take-aways of the book are: Markets are human artifcasts. We can change a market and we can invent one. Market Design is a Team […]

The Curse of Bigness (and the blessing of Threefold Foundations)

To get rid off the curse of bigness we’ve to work first towards a decentralised internet. That is said what is said in this article and that is why I love doing what I do. I love to contribute to the development of a decentralised internet because it is doable and exiting on the one […]

Let’s get the workplace ready for the climate truant students

The climate truant students makes my heart sing. Culture is changing for good. Will I support them by protesting ? No, I won’t. I choose not to go to the Brussels Climate Marches. It is too easy to believe that governments are just too reluctant to act. They aren’t. They have to be complemented by […]