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Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Freeflow Ibiza – 22-26 May

Join Freeflow Ibiza and learn more about Threefold Foundation. Click here for more information. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

Time Registration System

As an HR person – I have implemented a new time registration system to escape classical working patterns. It sounds like a contradictio in terminis. But it isn’t. We’re freeing data of the workers from 1 company. Workers are able to check in by neigbours as well. Because together we shape better jobs. Don’t be […]

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

Thanks for writing your post. I have read it. Let’s join forces for better prosperity. But I do believe we have a far more easier task than you have. We make the next big thing happen by connecting projects and smaller businesses to a shared digital infrastructure. Our good design and perseverance will be our […]

The leaders of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeFlowPages.

The leadership of VIPE / TITO Foundation are beta users on FreeflowPages. FreeflowPages runs on Threefold Grid and will become an alternative for Facebook. We started an on-line group to facilitate the exploration of new organising tools, like complementary money systems. Itsyou.online is used to log in Freeflow Pages. Itsyou.online is connected to your own […]

Idgate and technology

Introduction Interoperability of data in well governened digital infrastructure creates the potential for better processes and prosperity. New organisational thinking and technology is needed to develop this potential. Teaming up is the thing to do for getting solutions scaled. Value Proposition As an ambassador of Threefold Foundation we follow up the developments of 3Bot and […]

TFF Farming

We want to keep and bring prosperity within our own communities. Therefore we connect to Threefold Farming options and support the start-up of TFF coops. Click here te learn more about farming for Threefold. Value Propostion Buy hardware from the coop Better Token and start to farm. For whom everyone who want. Contact Get in […]

IT en business consultants

Introduction Co:Inpetto is founded in 1999, the days internet was entering the business world. Co:Inpetto worked as a recruitment cabinet for business consultants and IT’ers. We served IT departments of big organisations and some fast growing IT and business consulting companies. The market of connecting talent to challenges became a problematic market, a market with […]

VIPE / TETO Foundation

Vivienne Van Leuken is partner of Weconomics Foundations. She started together with Peggy van de Vijfeijken VIPE/TETO Foundation and are nominated several times for the positive impact they are making (link to website). We are going to explore if a shared digital infractructure and complementary money systems will serve their community and purpose. Value Proposition […]

In Love with Nature’s Internet

In the digital infrastructure of Threefold every single person will get its own 3Bot. With 3Bot – data of a person belongs to a person and it will be easy to exchange. I do believe 3Bot is an important feature to get our society organized, a society where people are in love with themselves and […]