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Because together we can do better.

The Marketing Dilemma

Another anti-Big Tech documentary is out: The Social Dilemma. It is another work of the Center for Human Technology; they make the world aware of Social Media tools’ negative externalities.  Most contributors are ex-coworkers of the Big Tech companies, they left their organizations because of ethical concerns. The podcast, Your Undivided Attention, is also a […]

The National Sustainable Throne Speech 2020

Enjoy the the National Sustainable Throne Speech 2020 by Prof. Dr. Jan Jonker Map your way in the innovation space of a decentralized internet and the design for sustainable business Start here Co-learn about the features of a decentralized internet in a real life business case of Threefold Farming. Start here The future is going […]

Map your way

Co-Inpetto started in 1999 as a recruitment cabinet for IT professionals and business consultants. At that time, the internet got introduced in the business world. And traditional value creation models in recruitment weren’t serving anymore. We could do far better, but the glorification of Silicon Valley was on the rise. Big tech captured our personal […]

Learning while doing with Co-Inpetto.Farm

Stay Home. Stay Safe. The picture above is the First Skyscraper of London. It was purpose built: a hierarchy of office functions to keep the Underground running needed its place. This building is sold in 2019 – yes – just one year ago. Covid 19 brought with brute force the reality of:  The Home Office […]

Organizing Sustainability

I am still grateful that I participated in a collaborative writing process led by professor Jan Jonker.The book New Business Models (2014) became a bestseller. And with co-writers of the book, we follow up and support Threefold. A new business model for the internet was once a dream and it is becoming a reality. Jan […]

A tribute to The Last Post and Max Schrems

The Last Post is a daily ritual in Ypres (West-Flandres, Belgium), the battlefield of the First World War. Each evening, you can listen to Bugle calls. It is a reminder for us; peace and freedom are not for granted. If we want to honor it in our daily lives we have to use liberty genuinely […]

Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Is Unfolding

We take the infrastructure for the flow of water, electricity, and gas for granted. It’s available, practical, and safe. The data infrastructure is the following. This collaborative endeavor is achieving new momentum, below some recordings of conversations of the last month. Soshana Zuboff meets Margrethe Verstager: a converstation about a future digital Europe Shoshana Zuboff […]


Omschrijving Co-Inpetto.Farm biedt een mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan Threefold Farming model. Leer meer over Threefold hier. Voor wie Iedereen die geboeid is door de mogelijkheden nieuwe mogelijkheden die het Threefold grid biedt en deze mee wil gaan stimuleren. Online Groep – Enkel voor leden Klik hier! Contactpersoon Lieve Vereycken 0032 472 29 15 […]

U was er bij in het Fort V (en lees nu – 3 jaar later – even mee)

Vandaag 8 juni 2020, is het drie jaar geleden dat we het hadden over ‘Blockchain Organiseren’ in het Fort V. De keten van stevige forten stonden toen symbool voor een plan. Een gedeelde infrastructuur voor verankeren van data en goede welvaart, had te landen in onze handen. Wie dacht dat het enkel bij straffe woorden […]

Threefold and The Law of Sustainability

As I already have mentioned several times, the first book of Bernard Lietaer (2001) was a real eye-opener for me. Dieter Legat co-authored his last book. In this video he explains the position of Threefold in the framework of the law of sustainability. Some links to dive deeper: Towards a Sustainable world Webiste of Bernard […]