Favicon Co Inpetto

Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

2020 is coming to an end

I hope you will take the time to dream your best dreams for 2021 and beyond.We need them. More renewed organizational power is coming available and it is up to us to use it. What happened in 2020, for example, in the Threefold ecosystem? More blockchain projects are choosing the Threefold Grid to host their […]

Radical collaboration for designing the new normal

In a few days, the MyData conference will start. The title of the conference is: radical collaboration for designing the new normal. Check the program out here. I will check-in, will you? MyData Global’s mission is to empower individuals to self-determination regarding their data. It is an idea worth spreading. The title of the conference […]

Corona can lead us to a golden age

I began the lockdown with a tribute to Lieven Gevaert as a personal quest, a name-giving mystery. Every single person in Flanders will have some connection with the institutions that were co-founded by him. He has been a real change-maker in a previous technological revolution. His story is part of cultural heritage, check out the […]

The internet is too power hungry

The planet can’t afford the internet as it is. It is too power-hungry. That’s one of the reasons Threefold started to innovate. Click and learn more Threefold Grid will use less energy. Why? First of all, the data don’t need so much duplication. Every organizing party (with the individual as the smallest one) will get […]

Innovation in Payment – again, the Digital Euro is coming.

Innovation! Change!No cash payments, no queuing anymore.Salaries will get paid by cheques and withdrawals.The bank offices are coming to your town. Once again, Gevaert’s company was a driving force for innovation in our region (1). They started to use banks to pay their workers early on, and the picture above became an image for cultural […]

Know how things work and create (it is not that difficult)

In the book, The Internet Is Broken, Marleen Stikker does a call upon all of us. She asks to check out how things work, learn about technology, and co-create it (not just consume). She gave me a deeper understanding of the story of Fab Lab’s around the world (*). I knew the concept, but it […]

The Marketing Dilemma

Another anti-Big Tech documentary is out: The Social Dilemma. It is another work of the Center for Human Technology; they make the world aware of Social Media tools’ negative externalities.  Most contributors are ex-coworkers of the Big Tech companies, they left their organizations because of ethical concerns. The podcast, Your Undivided Attention, is also a […]

The National Sustainable Throne Speech 2020

Enjoy the the National Sustainable Throne Speech 2020 by Prof. Dr. Jan Jonker Map your way in the innovation space of a decentralized internet and the design for sustainable business Start here Co-learn about the features of a decentralized internet in a real life business case of Threefold Farming. Start here The future is going […]

A Theory Of Change

Some weeks ago, we started to prepare local TFF (Threefold) farming activities in our local co-working space (Edegem, South of Antwerp). With local TFF farming activities we want to organize:1. a local income stream while robots within the digital infrastructure are working for us;2. the opportunity to co-organize energy supply for the digital infrastructure;3. the […]

Kom op 20 januari 2020 naar het Fort V

Kom op 20 januari naar het Fort V in Edegem (Zuidrand van Antwerp) en leer meer over Threefold, 3bot en Threefold token. Threefold maakt deel uit van een beweging dat gedecentraliseerde digitale infrastructuur ter beschikking brengt met een duidelijk doel voor ogen: (1) minimaal energieverbruik voor digitale infrastructuur (2) zo laag mogelijke kostprijs zodat ze […]