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Let's connect.

Because together we can do better.

Mind The (learning) Gap

In 2012 I decided to travel for a while because I was fed up with the (potential) loss of digital privacy while we can do better. In Shanghai (China) I came inspired by the history of the shared mobility infrastructure and I started to integrate the Metro Map in Co:Inpetto’s branding. At that time I […]

The World’s First Metro System

Click and learn about more about the world’s first metro system. And let’s take the development of the world’s first metro system as a role model, a role model of the development of an infrastructure. Incredible collective action makes a strong social vision alive. We are doing it again: a decentralized digital infrastructure is next. […]

Make a wise investment, make a positive impact

At this moment there is an investment opportunity for Threefold Tech. Threefold Tech is a start-up next to Threefold Foundation. Threefold tech is doing projects with software components used in Threefold Foundations. Contact me (by reply on this mail) for more information. Or register yourself for the Threefold Investment Event on the 3rd of June […]

Inclusive Banking

I already have mentioned in a previous post that I believe that I would never have been connected to Threefold Foundation if I haven’t had read the book of Bernard Lietaer (2000). Bernard Lietaer did some scenario thinking about the potential of the digital age, sustainable prosperity and complementary money systems. Digital Privacy as a […]

New Ways of Seeing, Working and Learning

From 1999 till 2010 was Co:Inpetto a recruitment cabinet for IT professionals and business consultants. Co:Inpetto had the biggest contactdatabase of IT professionals and business consultants for the Flemish Market in Belgium. As an economist I learned about digitisation thanks to the conversations I had with professionals and clients and by organising the digital communication […]

A Fortress as a base for a Threefold Chapter

A chapter for Threefold Foundation is getting home in Fort V, beautiful heritage located in my region ‘De Zuidrand’. ‘De Zuidrand’ is a name of an association of 7 towns in the south of Antwerp, it promotes our region for tourism. It is a nice place for traveling, working and living.  At this moment we […]

A Call For Decentralisation

I hoped I could resonate with te message of the book ‘Gigantism’ of the latest book of Geert Noels, because I do love the word G I G A N T I S M. Check ! I do recommend to read the book. Geert Noels describes why organisations and markets are getting dysfunctional in the […]

Freeflow Ibiza – 22-26 May

Join Freeflow Ibiza and learn more about Threefold Foundation. Click here for more information. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

Time Registration System

As an HR person – I have implemented a new time registration system to escape classical working patterns. It sounds like a contradictio in terminis. But it isn’t. We’re freeing data of the workers from 1 company. Workers are able to check in by neigbours as well. Because together we shape better jobs. Don’t be […]

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

Thanks for writing your post. I have read it. Let’s join forces for better prosperity. But I do believe we have a far more easier task than you have. We make the next big thing happen by connecting projects and smaller businesses to a shared digital infrastructure. Our good design and perseverance will be our […]